Kat Austen: The Matter of the Soul

The Matter of the Soul je predstavljena kot kiparska in nova medijska inštalacija, video inštalacija, skupaj z nastopi v živo in izdajo kasete. Postavitev obsega svetlobno polje, skulpturo, poslušanje po predvajanju simfonije, platno, reliefno skulpturo in portretno video inštalacijo. Osrednji vizualni motiv v kiparskem in video delu pripoveduje zgodbo o preobrazbi, izgubi in ponovnem ustvarjanju v podnebnih spremembah arktičnega ekosistema. Osrednja skulptura “Srečno” časovno zamrzne trenutek izida simfonije “Zadeve duše”, ki bo sovpadala z objavo posebnega poročila IPCC o globalnem segrevanju za 1,5 °C (2018). Austen je sestavila osrednjo štiriglasno simfonijo z instrumenti, razvitimi iz znanstvene opreme, ki ustvarjajo zvok z merjenjem kemijskih lastnosti vode, ki se spreminjajo zaradi podnebnih sprememb. Austen jih je uporabila za terenske zvočne posnetke različnih arktičnih voda, ki jih je prepletla z odlomki iz intervjujev z ljudmi, ki jih je tam srečala, da bi ustvarila zapleteno simfonijo razpršenosti Arktike.


The Matter of the Soul se je začela, ko se je Austenova udeležila potovanja Artist in the Arctic skupaj u raziskovalnim inštitutom Friends of Scott Polar leta 2017. Svoj razvoj je nadaljevala kot kulturna sodelavka na področju umetnosti in znanosti na Kulturnem inštitutu Univerze v Leedsu. Izdelano z dodatno podporo Polar Museum, Ice Alive, One Ocean Expeditions, Opera North in Bonhams.


Kat Austen je umetnica v nastopanju in inštalacijah iz Berlina. Je šolana pianistka in pevka, ki je glasbeno nastopala že 20 let. Delo Kat Austen se osredotoča na raziskovanje meje med tem, kar mislimo o sebi in drugih. Njeno delo se nanaša na redefiniranje in bogatenje našega odnosa do okolja, s posebnim poudarkom na podnebnih spremembah. Raziskovala je naš odnos do okolja tako v nastopih kot v kiparskih mešanih in večpredstavnostnih inštalacijah.


English version

The Matter of the Soul is presented as a sculptural and new media installation, a video installation, alongside live performances and a cassette release. The installation comprises a light box, sculpture, listening post playing the Symphony, canvas, relief sculpture and portrait video ins-tallation. A central visual motif in the sculptural and video work tells the story of transformation, loss and re-creation in the Artic ecosystem undergoing climate change. The central „Good Luck“ sculpture freezes in time the moment of release of The Matter of the Soul | Symphony, timed to coincide with the release of the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018). Austen composed the central four-part Symphony using instruments developed from scientific equip-ment, which generate sound by measuring chemical properties of water that vary due to climate change. Austen used these to make field audio recordings of different Arctic waters, which she interwove with excerpts from interviews with people she encountered there, to create an intri-cate symphony of Arctic dispersal.


The Matter of the Soul was begun during Austen’s Artist in the Arctic residency with Friends of Scott Polar Research Institute in 2017. She continued its development as Cultural Fellow in Art  and Science at the University of Leeds’ Cultural Institute. Made with additional support from the Polar Museum, Ice Alive, One Ocean Expeditions, Opera North and Bonhams.


Kat Austen is a Berlin-based performance and installation artist. She is a trained pianist and singer and has performed musically over a period of 20 years. Kat Austen’s work focusses on interrogating the boundary between what we think of as the self and other(s). Her work relates to redefining and enriching our relationship to the environment, with a particular focus on climate change. She has explored our relationship to the environment through both performance and sculptural mixed and multi-media installations.


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