Lovro Ivančić: Notranja zunanjost
Vzorci in načini delitve ploskve in prostora so rezultat aktivnega opazovanja narave. S pomočjo biomimikrije želi avtort v interier prestaviti košček zunanjega sveta. Zanima ga kontrast med mehkim in trdim, med naravnim in umetnim. Ustvarja interaktivno tekstilno inštalacijo, ki predstavlja naravni proces pod vplivom človekovih dejanj. Objekt je kot živa slika, nenaravni organizem v interjerju. Prostor postane igrišče za naše možgane, vzpodbudna platforma za razvoj domišljije. V tem primeru objekt ni statičen in na nek način postaja organizem, ki ima lastnosti živega bitja – se premika, diha in spreminja. Interaktivna tekstilna instalacija hkrati predstavlja jezik in orodje, ki nam pomagata pri dojemanju in vizualizaciji različnih možnosti alternativne sedanjosti in potencialne prihodnosti. Instalacija Notranja zunanjost predstavlja skladje dveh navidezno nasprotnih si svetov, narave in tehnologije. Umeščena v bivalni prostor predstavlja poenostavljeno simulacijo notranje arhitekture prihodnosti. Ustvarja vzdušje – čutno doživetje, ki s pomočjo domišljije zapelje človeka v drug, alternativni svet.
Produkcija: Svetlobna Gverila
Strokovni sodelavci: Peter Zobec, Jan Rugelj, doc. dr. Marjan Jenko
Mentor: prof. Marija Jenko
Sponzor dela: Inplet
Lovro Ivančić je po zaključeni gimnaziji v Zagrebu diplomiral iz oblikovanja tekstilij in oblačil na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani, kjer pod mentorstvom prof. Marije Jenko zaključuje tudi magistrski študij. V času študija je bil na izmenjavi na Akademiji za oblikovanje v nizozemskem Eindhovnu. Trenutno raziskuje svojo ustvarjalno pot med oblikovanjem in umetnostjo.
Lovro Ivančić: Inner Exterior
Patterns and ways of dividing surfaces and space are the result of active observation of nature. The author wants to move a piece of the outside world into the interior with the help of biomimicry. He is interested in the contrast between soft and hard, natural and artificial. It creates an interactive textile installation that represents a natural process under the influence of human actions. The object is like a living image, an unnatural organism in the interior. Space becomes a playground for our brains, a stimulating platform for the development of the imagination. In this case, the object is not static and in a way becomes an organism that has the properties of a living being – it moves, breathes and changes. The interactive textile installation is both a language and a tool to help us perceive and visualize the various possibilities of an alternative present and potential future. The installation Inner Exterior presents two seemingly opposite worlds, nature and technology. Placed in the living space, it represents a simplified simulation of the interior architecture of the future. It creates an atmosphere – a sensual experience that, with the help of imagination, seduces a person into another, alternative world.
Production: Svetlobna Gverila
Expert associates: Peter Zobec, Jan Rugelj, doc. dr. Marjan Jenko
Menthor: prof. Marija Jenko
Sponsorship: Inplet
Lovro Ivančić finished high school in Zagreb and then graduated at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in Ljubljana where he continues his master’s studies under the mentorship of prof. Marija Jenko. During his studies he was on a student exchange at the Academy of Design in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. He is currently exploring his creative path between design and art.
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