Stran 22: Da me stesso non vegno
Težko bi si zamislili bolj točen prikaz latinskega spectruma (slika, predstava) in njegove navezave na duh, prikazen (ang. spectre). S snemanjem in predvajanjem se vsi tej zrcaljeni in pomnoženi odsevi ujamejo v neskončno tavanje, kjer: – po Marku Fisherju – »v nekem pomembnem smislu ni več sedanjosti, ki bi jo lahko zapopadli in artikulirali.«
Ko se je Dante potikal po onostranstvu, mu je duh prerokoval izgon iz Firenc in dodal, da: »kot daljnovidni vsak od nas odkriva /…/ le prihodnje čase, / le toliko nas višnja luč obliva. / Čim bliže so, tem trdnejše opase / dobiva naš razvid, brez pojasnila / ne vemo nič, kak zdaj živite zase.«
Kak zdaj živimo zase? Trdno opasani v kronično pomanjkanje časa, da nam je povsem nerazvidno, katere prikazni nas preganjajo in katere nevidne roke se jih tako trdovratno branijo. Morda nas zato »Da me stesso non vegno« oblije z nižjo lučjo (infrardečim spektrom), da se sami prepoznamo kot duhovi. Saj kot pravi Derrida v Spectres de Marx: »prihodnost pripada duhovom.«
Stran22, kolektiv, ki združuje ustvarjalce vizualne in performativne umetnosti, arhitekture in oblikovanja, avtorske glasbe in poezije. Ob prepletu različnih veščin jih povezuje želja po odkrivanju novih umetniških izrazov, odmaknjenih od konvencionalnih pristopov.
English version
It’s difficult to imagine a more accurate depiction of the Latin spectrum (image, performance) and its relationship to the spirit (spectra). All of these mirrored and multiplied reflections are caught in an endless wandering with recording and playback, where, according to Mark Fisher, “in some important sense, there is no present that can be captured and articulated.”
The spirit foretold Dante’s expulsion from Florence as he wandered beyond, adding: “as far-sighted, each of us discovers /… / only future times, / only so much does the cherry light envelop us.” / The closer they get, the greater the dangers / our record gets worse, without explanation / we don’t know how you live for yourself now.”
How do we live for ourselves now? It is completely invisible to us, girded as we are by a chronic lack of time, which apparitions haunt us, and which invisible hands so tenaciously defend them. Perhaps this is why “Da me stesso non vegno” surrounds us with a lower light (infrared spectrum) to identify us as ghosts. Because, as Derrida puts it in Specters de Marx, “the future belongs to ghosts.”
Stran22 is a collective of visual and performative artists, architects and designers, original music, and poets. They are intertwined with different skills and are linked by a desire to discover new artistic expressions outside of conventional approaches.
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