Verena Bachl: Wave Fragment
Wave Fragment je kinetična svetlobna skulptura, ki je zmožna prikazati polja toka, povezana z vetrom, z odbojem svetlobe, navdihnjena z neprekinjenim gibanjem vode.
Vodilni motiv je vezan na spomine na morje, medtem ko svetloba pleše po njenih vodah v ritmičnem gibanju, ki ga povzročajo zračni tokovi. Delo se odziva na zamisli digitalne simulacije tokov delcev in vizualizacijo računalniške dinamike tekočin. Wave Fragment kot fizična skulptura te parametre uporablja kot odločilne dejavnike za ustvarjanje generativnih umetnin. Pojavljajoči se vzorci z impresivno kakovostjo kažejo medsebojno delovanje sil, ki jih povzroča kaotična narava teh pojavov.
Verena Bachl je umetnica iz Berlina, katere delo navdihujejo eksperimentalne metode v sodobni umetnosti in naravoslovju. Njena dela pogosto postavljajo mejo med misticizmom in racionalizmom s kodiranjem in dekodiranjem informacij. Posledično so njena dela raziskovala postromantične in antropocenske koncepte “narave” in “kulture” ter napetost, ki jo povzroča ta dualizem.
English version
Wave Fragment is a kinetic light sculpture that is in the ability to display wind-related flow fields by the reflection of light, inspired by the continuous movement of water.
The guiding motive is bound to memories of the sea while the light is dancing on its waters in rhyth-mic motion caused by airflows. The work responds to ideas of digital simulations of particle flows and the visualization of computational fluid dynamics. Wave Fragment as a physical sculpture uses these parameters as decisive factors for creating generative works of art. Carrying an immersive quality, the emergent patterns show the interplay of forces caused by the chaotic nature of these phenomenons.
Verena Bachl is a Berlin-based artist whose work is inspired by experimental methods within contem-porary art and natural sciences. Her works often stage the borderline between mysticism and rationa-lism by coding and decoding information. As a consequence, her works have explored post-romantic and Anthropocene concepts of ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ and the tension occurring by this dualism.
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