Name: : Time will Tell

Delo povzema naslov po prvem podvodnem grafitu, ki ga je Name: izdelal pod morjem v Izoli. Raziskovanje podvodnega grafitarstva, je uvod v večji umetniški projekt, ki ga Name: pripravlja pod morjem na atlantski obali ZDA. Tam so za nekaj tisoč vlakov newyorške podzemne železnice, ki so obratovali v 70-ih in 80-ih letih 20.stoletja, našli poslednje zatočišče. Z njimi so ustvarili umetni greben namenjen morskemu živalstvu in rastlinstvu, ki pa zaradi korozije počasi izginja. Kljub temu da je zaradi svoje mladosti zamudil priložnost, da s kultnim grafitiranjem newyorških vlakov Stainless Steela oz. Redbirda opravi nenapisan, a zapovedan zrelostni izpit iz grafitarstva, se je odločil, da vlakom ne bo dal miru in bo preizkus opravil kar pod morjem. Video prikazuje umetnikovo raziskovanje podvodnega grafitarstva z razmišljanji o osebnih motivih umetnika in posegih človeka v podmorski naravni habitat. Ali bo Name: za vedno ostal začetnik (slengovsko »toy«), ker pod morjem zob časa in narave najeda rjaveče vagone. Grafitarstvo in borba proti njemu sta neločljivo povezana. Ed Koch, župan New Yorka v 80-ih letih 20. stoletja, ki zagnal protigrafitarsko kampanjo, je na novinarsko vprašanje, ali mu bo uspelo onemogočiti grafitarje, izjavil: »Time will tell.«


Produkcija: PiNA 


Vrsta odmevnih podvigov ulične umetnosti, nastalih od leta 2005 do 2021, je ostala anonimna, zato se je v javnosti pojavila potreba po identificiranju umetnika, ki se v tem času pod svoja dela ni podpisoval. Nadel si je »neimenovano ime«: Name:, ki je prva vrstica birokratskega formularja ali vprašanje uradne osebe po identifikaciji subjekta pred njo. Njegova dela konceptualno slonijo na obravnavi in vprašanjih (»zlo«)rabe javnega prostora in okolja, s poudarkom na trenutnih družbenih spremembah. Obenem raziskuje tudi tehnike in fizične omejitve intervencij v javni prostor. Lahko bi rekli, da osvaja različna agregatna stanja grafitarske kulture.

English version

Title of the work refers to the first underwater graffiti made by Name: under the surface of the sea in Izola. Exploration of underwater graffiti art, depicted in this video, is an introduction to a larger art project by Name: under the ocean surface on the US Atlantic coast. There, several thousand New York subway trains which operated in the 70s and 80s found their final resting place. The city authorities wanted to create an artificial reef for underwater flora and fauna, but the train coaches are slowly disappearing through the process of corrosion. In spite of him missing the chance to paint cult NY trains such as Stainless Steel or Redbird and with it pass an informal maturity test in graffiti art, name: decided not to leave trains alone and pass the test underwater. The video depicts the artist’s exploration of underwater graffiti with reflections on personal motives and human interference in the natural underwater habitat. Will Name: remain a beginner (»toy« in graffiti slang), where rusty train coaches are slowly destroyed by time and nature and possibilities of free creation grow increasingly limited? Graffiti art and the battle against it are inseparable. When Ed Koch, who was the New York mayor in the 1980s, launched an anti-graffiti campaign, he answered a reporter’s question on whether he thinks he will be able to uproot graffiti in the city, by saying: »Time will tell.

Production: PiNA


From 2005 to 2021, a series of high-profile street art exploits remained anonymous, requiring the public to identify an artist who had not signed his works at the time. He adopted an “unnamed name”: Name: – the first line of a bureaucratic form or an official’s question following identification of the subject before him. His works are conceptually based on the treatment and issues (“evil”) associated with the use of public space and the environment, with a focus on current social change. Simultaneously, he investigates the techniques and physical limitations of interventions in public space. It is possible to say that he conquers various aggregate states of graffiti culture.

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